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Published on 06/21/2024
Last updated on 06/21/2024

Streamlining LLM interactions: Qwik as a LangServe playground


If you are considering using LangServe as an API server for your large language models (LLM) with LangChain but want to use a framework other than React, then you’re in luck. In this article, I will explore the integration of the Qwik frontend framework with Langserve to demonstrate how Qwik's efficient server-side generator functions enable seamless event streaming of LLM interactions.

The current LangServe Chat Playground is clean and well-written. However, the Azure/fetch-event-source library being used increases complexity and boilerplate code with React.  With a new stream-based fetch-event-source library leveraging generator functions combined with Qwik, we can dramatically reduce the boilerplate code to something that is easy to follow along with. 

Discovering a more efficient approach to React 

I was very intrigued as I watched the LangServe Chat Playground Launch video and wondered what the UI was written in and how it accomplished receiving and displaying the streamed tokens from the LLM in a chat-based interface. As tokens are generated by the model, the server sends the tokens to the client incrementally, typically using server-sent events (SSE) or WebSockets.   

After digging into the LangServe Chat Playground code, I discovered it used Azure/fetch-event-source. This library handles server-side events and utilizes callbacks as a standard approach. The more I dug into how the Chat Playground React code was written and observed its existing complexity, the more I became convinced that there was a more efficient approach.

Complexity of React’s current code 

Let us look at some of this complexity. Take a few minutes to read useStreamLog.tsx and useStreamCallback.tsx. I would assert that you must be fairly advanced in your React knowledge to grok this.

For example: 

Gist: engineersamuel/e4c3a5f44591f8563fed6c5d5261b182

Now, try to trace the flow from typing input to receiving a response from the LLM via the fetch-event-source library.

Gist: engineersamuel/14d6ec613ec537c9c0c41f1ab4824544

While this is relatively simple-looking code, notice the complexity of the functions, which are curried with layers of callbacks. Again, this is well-written code, but it has echoes of "cascading promise hell" with nested then statements vs. the cleanness of async/await. The direct comparison then becomes callbacks vs. generator functions.  

Refactoring to Qwik 

  • After I reviewed and understood the React code and how it was using the fetch-event-source, I saw the opportunity to leverage Qwik with server$ side generator functions to significantly reduce the boilerplate code and result in a much more readable flow.   
  • Here are the tools Qwik gives us to improve the code: server$ functions enable leveraging generator functions (but this requires the fetch-event-source library be rewritten). 
  • Signals can reduce/eliminate the conceptual need for React’s useEffect/useCallback, which means we can completely remove the  useStreamLog.tsx and useStreamCallback.tsx code, which is where most of the complexity is. 

But this can only be done if we have a generator function-based fetch-event-source library.  Thus, I created fetch-event-source-stream, a hard fork of Azure/fetch-event-source. I would encourage you to read the code, but I will focus primarily on the usage difference below.  

Here is what the React code looks like, which invokes the Azure/fetch-event-source. Notice the `useCallback` and the `onmessage` callback functions, which also cryptically invokes `chunkRef.current?.(JSON.parse(, innerLatest)

Gist: engineersamuel/a9aec29a8b809a141adb1fd252eb5d2e

Now let us look at the Qwik version qwik-langserve-playground with the new fetch-event-source-stream. Notice the `server$` named `sendPayload` simply invokes and yields the result from the event source. Then, the `initiateStream` (analog to `startStream` in the React version) awaits the result of the `server$` `sendPayload` function and then, performs the associated logic based on the event type. Gone are the refs, callbacks, hooks, and the bulk of the boilerplate and complexity.

Gist: engineersamuel/168aff4b183dc6926129c3803070cf17

Qwik shines here with its ability to call a server-side generator function and seamlessly loop over that server-side function in the client-side code. When I started exploring this, it was not clear how much code I would be able to get rid of, but I was able to eliminate all the React hook-based code.  
I remember the days of the old-style React components without hooks, and I understand why React went the way of hooks. However, it can introduce a lot of boilerplate and mental overhead to trace through in more complicated scenarios.

Try it yourself 

  • pip install langchain-cli 
  • langchain app new my-app  
  • When prompted with “What package would you like to add?” type: pirate-speak 
  • It will say, “1 added. Any more packages (leave blank to end)?)” and hit enter 
  • Then it will prompt, “Would you like to install these templates into your environment with pip? [y/N]” and type y 
  • cd my-app/ 
  • Then run `poetry shell` 
  • edit the app/ and replace the `add_routes(app, NotImplemented)` with: Now run `langchain serve` and verify you can access 
  • Gist: engineersamuel/fb15d4358f2fa39cab660fa0d6c2733b
  • Next, let us use Qwik. 
  • git clone 
  • cd qwik-langserve-playground 
  • Run `npm i` to install dependencies 
  • Create a .env file and add: `LANGSERVE_BASE_URL=` 
  • npm run dev 
  • http://localhost:5173/ 
  • And type “Hello!” 

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 5.12.07 PM.png

Another win for Qwik as a front-end framework for LangServe

I continue to be impressed with the efficiency and expressivity of Qwik and found it to be an excellent match as a front-end framework for LangServe when you want a separate and independent UI.

For more benefits of Qwik please see my previous blog post: Qwik vs. Next.js: Which framework is right for your next web project? 

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